2월, 2010의 게시물 표시

xcode short cut - file change

file change : like VS's ctrl + tab command + option + shipt + arrow L/R backward/forward cursor location change : like VS's ctrl + - command + option + arrow L/R

Ms. DICE Open!!

Wow, Ms. DICE Open! Link : Ms. DICE


MS DICE Done. Waiting for Registration ... DUMB BUTTON Now Developing ... COSNIX UPDATE Plan for Menu, Color Palette, Capture, More Colors, ... THE NEXT Thinking ... Let me know your brilliant idea! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Endless Updates and Developments!!


I registered my new app 'Ms. DICE' at App Store. I'm thinking on the next app to make me happy to make it. :) cosnix, ms. dice, what's next? hmm... hmm...