unity plugin
Thanks to Andy... Okay, after playing few days with Unity3d on Mac I finally figured it out. All the code in this guide is dummy. I have written this stuff in 15 minutes or so, so don't be bothered by stupid mistakes and typos. 1) Open Unity, create new project (File -> New Project) and save it somewhere 2) When the project is generated it has the following structure: ProjectName/Assets (That's what you need) ProjectName/Library (Nevermind what's there) ProjectName/ProjectSettings (You don't care about it) ProjectName/ProjectName.sln (MonoDevelop project) 3) Go to ProjectName/Assets and create the following folders: Plugins/iOS, so in the end you'll have a folder structure like this: ProjectName/Assets/Plugins/iOS 4) Put your compiled library (.a) file and necessary headers inside of ProjectName/Assets/Plugins/iOS or copy the source code of your library there (.mm, .h, .m, etc..). Remember, normally you can only access C-functions fr...