10월, 2013의 게시물 표시

unity plugin

Thanks to Andy... Okay, after playing few days with Unity3d on Mac I finally figured it out. All the code in this guide is dummy. I have written this stuff in 15 minutes or so, so don't be bothered by stupid mistakes and typos. 1) Open Unity, create new project (File -> New Project) and save it somewhere 2) When the project is generated it has the following structure: ProjectName/Assets (That's what you need) ProjectName/Library (Nevermind what's there) ProjectName/ProjectSettings (You don't care about it) ProjectName/ProjectName.sln (MonoDevelop project) 3) Go to ProjectName/Assets and create the following folders: Plugins/iOS, so in the end you'll have a folder structure like this: ProjectName/Assets/Plugins/iOS 4) Put your compiled library (.a) file and necessary headers inside of ProjectName/Assets/Plugins/iOS or copy the source code of your library there (.mm, .h, .m, etc..). Remember, normally you can only access C-functions fr...

Unofficial AirPlay Protocol Specification

Unofficial AirPlay Protocol Specification 1. Introduction 2. Service Discovery 2.1. AirTunes service 2.2. AirPlay Service 3. Photos 3.1. HTTP requests 3.2. Events 3.3. Photo Caching 3.4. Slideshows 4. Video 4.1. HTTP requests 4.2. Events 5. Audio 5.1. RTSP requests 5.2. RTP Streams 5.3. Volume Control 5.4. Metadata 5.5. AirPort Express Authentication 5.6. Remote Control 6. Screen Mirroring 6.1. HTTP requests 6.2. Stream Packets 6.3. Time Synchronization 7. Password Protection 8. History 9. Resources 9.1. IETF RFCs 9.2. IETF drafts 9.3. Apple Protocols 1. Introduction AirPlay is a family of protocols implemented by Apple to view various types of media content on the Apple TV from any iOS device or iTunes. In this documentation, “ iOS device ” refers to an iPhone, iPod touch or iPad. The following scenarios are supported by AirPlay: Display photos and slideshows from an iOS device. Stream audio from an iOS...