2월, 2014의 게시물 표시

when using ffmpeg for game

Some strategies on using ffmpeg, 1. check the external options (frame rate, graphic data, audio data) 2. check the meanings of default example(s) of ffmpeg 3. check the invisible changes of ffmpeg functions, which variables are going to be changed as functions go.

Unity Screen.SetResolution in Android

    1.    #pragma strict     2.    @script AddComponentMenu("Resolution/Change Resolution")     3.        4.    private var resolutions : Resolution[];     5.    private var recommended : Resolution;     6.    var fullScreen : boolean = true;     7.    private var posRes : int = 0;     8.    private var totalRes : int = 0;     9.    private var curRes : String;     10.        11.    function Start() {     12.        13.        // get all the resolutions that the machine can run     14.        resolutions = Screen.resolutions;     15. ...

Installing Tomcat OS X

While Tomcat 8 is close to be released (Tomcat 8.0.0-RC5 (alpha) is released already), Tomcat 7 was the first Apache Tomcat release to support the Servlet 3.0, JSP 2.2, and EL 2.2 specifications. Please note that Tomcat 7 requires Java 1.6 or better, which shouldn’t be a problem, if you are running OS X 10.5 or 10.6. On OS X 10.7, 10.8 (Mnt Lion), and 10.9 (Mavericks) however, Java is not installed anymore, at least not initially. The easiest way to get Java onto your Mac is probably to open the Terminal app and enter java. You will be asked if you want to install it and OS X takes care of the rest – you would end up with Java 6. Prerequisite: Java On 10.9 (Mavericks), Apple changed this once again, now sending you to Oracle’s Java SE web page, where you can download the JDK, (currently 7 jdk-7u45-macosx-x64.dmg). While at Oracle, I usually also download the Java SE Development Kit 7 Documentation, allowing me to stay away from their site for many months.

The JDK installer package c...

Start an Apache Web Server in Mac OS X Mavericks & Mountain Lion

Start an Apache Web Server in Mac OS X Mavericks & Mountain Lion The Sharing preference panel options were changed a bit in OS X Mountain Lion and again in Mavericks, and while things like Internet Sharing remain, the Web Sharing preference panel was removed. The Apache web server remains bundled with Mac OS X though, but you’ll need to turn to the command line to enable the web server. Additionally, you’ll want edit a user configuration file for each user account on the Mac to have the personal web sharing feature active. If any of this sounds intimidating or complex, it’s really not, just follow along and you’ll have a simple web server running on your Mac in no time. Setting Up and Starting the Apache Web Server in OS X Versions of OS X prior to Mountain Lion and Mavericks can simply turn on “Web Sharing”, but from 10.8 and 10.9 onward you’ll need to do the following to use a local web server: Launch Terminal, located in /Applic...