4월, 2014의 게시물 표시

tips more on unity ...

in the case of os x, find in MacOS folder Easy answer:     1.    copy AndroidManifest.xml from C:\Program Files (x86)\Unity\Editor\Data\PlaybackEngines\androidplayer to [your game]/Assets/Plugins/Android     2.    edit that file to include everything needed by both of your plugins     3.    Build and enjoy! Crazy answer that I started typing first before I thought of Easy answer:     1.    grab the Amazon Android SDK, and install the unitypackage.     2.    look at the manifest.xml that it puts in Assets/Plugins/AmazonIAPAndroid , and create your own manifest.xml files following the same format, in their own folders in /Assets/Plugins . (so, you'd have one Assets/Plugins/Vuforia/manifest.xml and one Assets/Plugins/EasyCodeScanner/manifest.xml )     3.    In the Unity Editor, under the "Amazon" drop down menu, ...

Some tips to use unity, eclipse....

some tips to use unity, eclipse.... Setup:     1.    Start with an Android project which will contain all the Android bits.     2.    Prepare the Unity3d Android project. Import the Unity project into your workspace like a regular Android project.     3.    RMB on the Unity project, click “Properties”, then go to “Android” and tick the “Is Library?” check box.     4.    RMB on the Android project, click “Properties”, then go to “Android” and click “Add” to add a library - the Unity project - to the Android one.     5.    Still in the “Properties” dialog, go to “Java Build Path” and select the “Libraries” tab. There, click “Add external JAR” and navigate to the classes.jar file.     6.    Ensure both projects target the same SDK.     7.    Move the “assets” folder from th...

Using libcurl on OSX

(from dahu's post) getting started with libcurl As part of on-going development of our Edge platform, our web crawler needs to repeatedly download web pages of content on multiple threads. Oddly, when looking around, there are remarkably few packages and libraries for C++ to handle HTTP. HTTP is not overly complex and its a simple enough matter to use a framework like BOOST::ASIO for example and code it yourself, but really, we just need a simple class that will get a URL for us. After an initial sweep, we settled on two main contenders;  cpp-netlib and libcurl . They represent very different approaches to the task. cpp-netlib is/was being developed  as a potential candidate for inclusion in BOOST and uses a nice modern template metaprogramming  model. I had a good play with cpp-netlib and got it doing most of what I wanted. It requires BOOST which is not a big concern for us as we are using a fair amount of the BOOST libraries anyway, although if you ...

[MAC OS X] mds_stores 100% CPU usage

[MAC OS X] mds_stores 100% CPU usage Today the CPU usage and sound of the system fan drove me crazy. The evil was the mds_stores process. mds_stores is a part of Spotlight and it’s indexing engine. After a small amount of time i decided to turn that shit off. I do not use the Search of OS X so i do not need that thing. to turn the indexing off write that to your Terminal: sudo mdutil -a -i off maybe you want the indexing back: sudo mdutil -a -i on Here is the Man Page of mdutil: https://developer.ap … s/man1/mdutil.1.html

Adding a Global Path in CentOS Linux

Step 1 Open a terminal by clicking the “Applications” menu, pointing to “Accessories” and selecting “Terminal.” Step 2 Become the root user by typing “su” into the terminal and pressing “Enter.” Type your root password and press “Enter” when prompted. Related Reading: What Is the Purpose of Sharing a Linux Printer Using Samba? Step 3 Type the following command into the terminal, replacing “/new/directory” with the path of the directory you want to add to your path, and press “Enter”: echo 'pathmunge /new/directory' > /etc/profile.d/custompath.sh Step 4 Type the following command and press “Enter” to make your new file executable: chmod +x /etc/profile.d/custompath.sh Step 5 Type the following command, including the period, and press “Enter” to reload your profile settings and add the directory to your path: . /etc/prof...

g++ 4.7 to centos

From this answer to "Install gcc 4.7 on CentOS [6.x]", the easiest way to get g++ 4.7, and the required tools and libraries, for CentOS 5.x is via the devtools package: cd /etc/yum.repos.d wget http://people.centos.org/tru/devtools/devtools.repo yum --enablerepo=testing-devtools-6 install devtoolset-1.0 Since you're running g++ manually (as opposed to through make ), you'll need to update your $PATH variable so your shell will use the new gcc , g++ , etc. binaries: export PATH=/opt/centos/devtoolset-1.0/root/usr/bin/:$PATH At this point, your g++ should be version 4.7.0 $ g++ --version g++ (GCC) 4.7.0 20120507 (Red Hat 4.7.0-5) Copyright (C) 2012 Free Software Foundation, Inc. This is free software; see the source for copying conditions. There is NO warranty; not even for MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Be aware that installing gcc and associated tools and libraries in this manner relies on the repository maintainer to keep their ...