1월, 2015의 게시물 표시

An excellent tutorial on Storyboards (from Matthijs')

Storyboards Tutorial in iOS 7: Part 1 Matthijs Hollemans on October 28, 2013 Note from Ray: Tutorial Team member Matthijs Hollemans (the iOS Apprentice Series author) has ported this popular tutorial from iOS 5 by Tutorials to iOS 7. This is a sneak peek of the third edition of the book, which will be updated to iOS 7. We hope you enjoy! Storyboarding is an exciting feature first introduced with iOS 5 that saves you a lot of time building user interfaces for your apps. To show you what a storyboard is, I’ll let a picture do the talking. This is the storyboard that you will be building in this tutorial: You may not know exactly yet what the app does but you can clearly see which screens it has and how they are related. That is the power of using storyboards. If you have an app with many different screens then storyboards can ...